
Play at Hamilton

Hamilton Tennis Club has excellent facilities and provides opportunities for tennis at all levels. Courts are open all year round from 8am and are free for members to play on when not required for club sessions. Courts must be booked in advance using our ClubSpark booking system. Court 5 is available for non-members to book online through ClubSpark Pay and Play and members may play with non-members on any hard court.

Social Tennis

We provide a full programme of social tennis for all members.

Tennis Ladders

Singles and doubles ladders offer opportunities for competitive social tennis through much of the year, apart from May through to October when Summer League matches are on. If you wish to take part, please contact the following organisers for more information and to be included. You can enter either ladder as an individual. Once set up, ladders are organised through whatsapp groups.

Singles – Bridget Longworth 07419 822972 Players are arranged in groups of 5 or 6 by ability. They arrange to play everyone in their group over a set period. Winners move up and losers go down to another group at the end of the period (approx 6 weeks).

Doubles Karen Walker 07779 076629 Played over a 3/4 week period. 4 players in a mixed group. They arrange to play together in one session at their convenience. 3 doubles sets are played so that each player plays with a different partner during the session. Sets are played to 4 with a tie-break at 3 all. Winners move up, losers move down in the next period.

Mix-in Club Sessions

Club sessions are organised so that any member can turn up and mix in. These weekly sessions are open to all adult members who want to play social tennis and just turn up and play. They are especially helpful to new members and are a great way to get to know others. Whatsapp is used for messages about reduced court availability or contacting others. Please contact the session organisers for more information or to join the WhatsApp groups.

In addition members are free to organise their own games with groups of friends and can book available courts at times to suit the group.

Monday Morning Social Tennis from 9.30am – Contact Claire Cook 07931 978828

Tuesday Afternoon Social Tennis 2pm – 3.30pm – Contact Yvonne Jarvis 07834 635618

Thursday Afternoon Social Tennis 2pm – 3.30pm – Contact Gillian Bunting 07852 701890

Friday Afternoon Drop-in 2pm Contact Gillian Bunting 07852 701890

Mixed Evenings – Regular Drop-in Sessions Tuesdays & occasional Fridays from 6.30pm – Contact Claire Cook 07931 978828

Weekend Tennis – If you want to play tennis at the weekend Contact Gillian Bunting 07852 701890 to be added to the Tennis Saturday or Tennis Sunday whatsapp groups to arrange games with others wanting to play.

Ladies Sessions Wednesday nights and Sunday afternoons During the winter months Ladies Nights are organised on a league basis and run from late September through to March. These weekly sessions run from 6.15-9pm. They are open to all ladies who want to play regularly and are organised through a WedLadiesNight WhatsApp group. To join the group or for more information about these sessions contact Margaret Heggs

Mens Sessions – Thursday nights from 6.30pm and Sunday mornings. To join the group and be added to the WhatsApp group Contact – Graham Brown 07870 690811 or Will Harrison 07794 366659


The opening times for the clubhouse are shown in the “Social Events and Bars” area

Tennis members may access the clubhouse at all times throughout the day for toilets and changing facilities. A drinking water dispenser is available in the entrance porch.


Regular group coaching sessions are provided by our coach for adult beginners and for improvers/intermediates. Team coaching, junior coaching and individual coaching is also available. See our coaching page for more information.

League Tennis

For more competitive play, we run men’s, ladies and mixed teams in the Leicestershire leagues as well as a Men’s Team Tennis (Aegon) team. We also have men’s and ladies seniors teams and winter league teams. There are plenty of opportunities for anyone wanting  to join a team.

Fixtures and Results

Tennis Leicestershire / Home ( For information and handbook with all league rules

LTA -Tennis for Britain For access to all Leicestershire Leagues

Winter League 2024

Full Fixture list

Winter League 2024Team Co-OrdinatorContactView Fixtures and Results for each team
Click the group below
Match Secretary
Eileen Merrison
07757 467 348
01664 851 979
Ladies 1Nicky Herbert07702 060 991
Group 1B
Ladies 2Margaret Roskell07790 304 208
Group 3A
Ladies 3Bridget Longworth07419 822 972
Group 5A
Mens 1Will Harrison07794 366 659
Group 3A
Mens 2Edwin Shufflebotham07531 920 598
Group 6A
Summer League 2024Team Co-OrdinatorContactView Fixtures and Results
Match SecretaryEileen Merrison07757 467 348
01664 851 979
Mens 1Will Harrison 07794 366 659
Group 5B
Mens 2Edwin Shufflebotham07531 920598   
Group 7A
Ladies 1Nicky Herbert07702 060 991
Group 2B
Ladies 2Margaret Roskell07790 304 208
Group 4B
Mixed 1Emily Harrison07734 495 625
Group 4A
Mixed 2Margaret Shufflebotham07762 757 905
Group 6A
Mens Vets 1Doug Hacking07834 423735
Group 1B
Mens Vets 2John Coleman07710 998468
Group 2A
Ladies Vets 1Margaret Roskell07790 304 208
Group 1B
Ladies Vets 2Polly Ahir07831 873 520
Group 2A
Ladies Vets 3Bridget Longworth07419 822 972
Group 3B
Mens Over 60s SeniorsBarrie Farnsworth07443 456 689
Group 2


See court availability throughout the season and court use for coaching, club sessions or matches. Sign in to Clubspark to book courts on-line. Court is available for non-members to book through Pay & Play at a £7.50 per 1.5hr session. Members who want to play with a non-member may book any hard court at £5 per session.

Who’s Who?

PositionNameContact Number
Match Secretary Eileen Merrison07757 467 348
Club CaptainGillian Bunting07852 701890
Tennis CoordinatorWill Harrison07794 366 659